
Have any deviant Qur’anic texts existed?

More surprising and weird statements from Westerners on Islam: Volker Popp, Karl-Heinz Ohlig, Christoph Luxenburg, Eildert Mulder

Christoph Luxenberg, Patricia Crone, Michael Cook, Eildert Mulder: 'Shiites have older credentials than Sunnis' meaning Muhammad & `Ali never existed

Those who question the authenticity of the Islamic heritage: Christoph Luxenberg & Eildert Mulder

How Some in the West try to lash back: the Prophet Muhammad never existed: Eildert Mulder, John Wansbrough, Yehuda Nevo, Judith Koren, Abu Zeid

Research and Development In the Era That Islam Arrived

There Is Ample Reliable Proof Of Islamic History

Ibadi and Kharijite Islam

Shi'a Islam

The Hadith of Ghadir Khumm